

Friday   View Event Booklet
5.30pm Registration Reception opens at Guildhall (Alfred Gelder St, HU1 2AA).
Our code of conduct statement can be found on our main Kingston Swing web site.
7:30pm 'til Midnight
Welcome Dance, Guildhall, dress code: informal, team t-shirts or colours if you like!
Teachers Intro at 11.00pm ish...

Saturday   View Event Booklet
Reception opens in City Hall, Victoria Square, HU1 3RQ
Taster classes; all levels, mixed.
11.00am Core Stream Classes (see booklet)
12noon - 2pm Lunch Lunch and Music at Stage@TheDock, HU1 1UU, weather permitting; grab some grub and join us for a boogie! Shim Sham flashmob on Humber St at 1 pm.
2pm-4.30pm Core Stream Classes (see booklet)
5pm-6pm Taster classes, all levels, mixed
8pm - 2am
GRAND SWING BALL! City Hall. Dress code: outrageously glamourous! Live music, Teachers Cabaret & Bal/fast music room in Mortimer suite out the back.

Sunday   View Event Booklet
Reception opens in City Hall
Taster classes, all levels, mixed
11.00am Core Stream Classes (see booklet)
12noon - 1.30pm Lunch; grab a bite and join us at Stage@TheDock, HU1 1UU. Live music from The Big River Band.
1.30pm-3pm Corina Kwami presents: A Fireside Discussion; Story Telling Across Music, Dancing and Identity at Hull City Council Chambers, Guildhall HU1 2AA. NOTE: still in planning stage
3.15 - 5.15pm Core Stream Classes (see booklet)
5.30pm-6.30pm Tasters; all levels, mixed
8pm - Midnight CITY HALL STOMP OFF! This year's theme; Speakeasy!!! PLUS! our 7th annual Demolition Aerials competition! No rules and less common sense, but an amazing spectacle nonetheless!

The Hullzapoppin' waiters and waitresses will be serving from the now legendary Hullzapoppin' cake selection. They are all part of the Hullza 2025 (Kingston Swing) team so when they are not serving, ask them for a dance..!!!
Midnight 'til late... After party at Social, Humber St (formerly Fruit) HU1 1TU (TBC) Let your hair down, forget everything you've learned, and drink gin until after sunrise on Monday morning, or until they kick us out!

xxxpm Cool down City Centre (TBA)
7:30pm 'til 10:30pm
Evening 'de-camp' at Marist Hall, dress code: informal, team t-shirts or colours if you like!